Writing Has Commenced!

ATX kids went back to school this week. Mine was among them. The enthusiastic shrieks of children, oblivious to their hand-wringing, mask-adjusting parents, echoed off the brick of the school. The kids don’t embrace the way they used to, but their enthusiasm was a balm to our frayed nerves.

No sooner was wonder boy ensconced within the brick walls, than I was joining some pod moms speed walking to the local hike and bike trail, determined to take off that Covid 15, or 20, or 40, or whatever.

Even though the kids are back in school, we’re still podded up. The families we created quarantine bubbles with are now our close friends. With break out cases and infections still on the rise, we’re still podded up. The only break for the pseudo-isolation is their contact with peers and teachers. I’m overwhelmed with gratitude.

If this past year has taught me anything it’s that I can order groceries and household supplies online and that I don’t need any more clothes beyond my perfectly good stock of yoga pants. I don’t have to scurry around town taking care of odds and ends. Most of that stuff just isn’t important.

I am determined to use the window between drop off and pick up productively and creatively. Not for errand running or whatever else I used to do during that precious time. I will no longer be waiting until my little one falls asleep to work on my 1000 word-per-day goal. Those words will be written in daylight, while I’m still bright eyed and fresh brained.

Writing commenced this week! I got 3000 words in this week. I am living the writer’s life! Between 10 and 2 that is. But that’s good.


Did I get me a book cover?


Inaugural Post