Did I get me a book cover?


Yes! Yes, I did!

Jumping the gun a little bit? Absolutely! And I’m okay with that.

I’m at about the 90% mark, with end clearly in sight. In July, I was traveling and distracted. My summer trips home usually allow me time to work and my little one time to bond with family. This year in particular I needed it. I needed time for myself.

I have been accompanied by a pre-adolescent for 24-hours a day for more than 365 consecutive days, essentially single parenting it, what with distance learning and everything that came with Covid-19. [End rant].

So I was determined to get a little time for myself. Did I want spa time? Nope. Did I want forest bathing time? Nein. I wanted writing time. Did I get that? Not really.

The critical thing I forgot was that my family had also been living in isolation for the past year, and they needed me more than I need alone time. So I readjusted my expectations and went with it. [Secretly, I’m sobbing on the inside.]


Family drama and ensuring that my little one got safe, quality family time did not allow my brain power to be harnessed toward achieving any measurable outcomes. In retrospect, it was an ambitious objective. [I’ve accepted it].

I did find time and motivation to do businessy things. I worked on my story summary. I worked on my author page. I got me a book a cover! I hired a designer to whip up a quick and dirty cover using stock images.

Titillating? You betcha!

This won’t be the cover. But it’s providing me with a visual goal to look forward to and put a face (or sexy body parts) to my characters.

It’s a visual end point.

So yeah, I did!


Herbalism and Storytelling


Writing Has Commenced!